Kingfisher Table Tennis Club Constitution

The Club shall be called “Kingfisher Table Tennis Club” and the address shall be “The Clubhouse, Woodlands Avenue, Woodley, Berkshire RG5 3EU”.

1. The object of the Club shall be to provide members with the facility to enjoy the widest range and choice of all aspects of table tennis.

2. The membership of the Club shall consist of the Officers, Committee Members, Playing Members, on-Playing Members, Honorary Members and Associate Members.

3. The management and control of the Club shall be vested in a Committee to be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting at which the members shall elect five officers(President, Chairman, Honorary General Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Coaching Officer). A Membership Secretary, a Wellbeing Officer, a Bookings Secretary and a Facility Manager will be appointed to the committee as well as other appointments to fill roles as required.  

4. For the purposes of acting on behalf of the Club with regard to the lease of the property four Trustees shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting from among the membership of the Club. The elected Trustees shall remain in office until their membership of the Club ceases or they resign their position, following which a replacement shall be elected on the same basis. The Trustees shall be protected by insurance provided by the Club and approved byte Committee whilst carrying out their duties.

5. Application for membership shall be open to anyone.  The annual subscription shall be approved at the Annual General Meeting. New playing members will be admitted to the Club by the Membership Secretary. Honorary members will be elected by the Annual General Meeting or by a Special General Meeting.  The Committee may at its discretion invite persons to be non-playing or Associate members on a permanent or temporary basis.

6. Playing members shall pay an annual subscription which will be in effect for 12 months from the date of joining or renewal. Alternatively, a short-term membership up to three months may be granted at the discretion of the Membership Secretary. Payment should be made within 14 days of the renewal date in order to retain membership. Please note that in the event that a new member fails to pay their membership fee within 14 days of receiving their invoice, their details will be removed from CoachA. It is important to note that in such cases, the member will only be entitled to a refund of the refundable key deposit from their joining fee.

7. Membership shall cease by (1) voluntary withdrawal or by (2) Committee decision in the way of expulsion for disciplinary reasons.  In either circumstance the membership subscription will not be refunded. In the case of (2) above the member shall have the right of appeal to the committee and be accompanied by a friend if desired.

8. Membership entails acceptance of the Constitution and Rules of the Club and liability financial and otherwise, rests with all members.

9. Membership entails acceptance of the terms of the Club’s lease for the property in as far as the terms affect individual members.

10. Membership entails acceptance of the terms of the latest issue of the Club’s Child Protection Code of  Conduct.

11. Should at any time at an AGM or EGM the Members decide to disband the Club then the whole of the Club’s assets shall be transferred to a trust fund to be administered by a committee of a minimum of four trustees to be appointed at such AGM or EGM who will ensure that the whole of such assets are used for the promotion of table tennis in the local area until they are totally expended.  Such trust fund should be known as the “Kingfisher Trust”.

12.  Any alteration to the Constitution shall be made only at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. Proposals for alterations must be made in writing and received by the Honorary General Secretary at least 21days prior to the Meeting.  Such alterations proposed will be carried by a two-thirds majority of the membership of the Club present at the meeting who shall be entitled to one vote.  A quorum shall be defined as 10% of the membership or 10 members whichever is the least.

This Constitution was amended and adopted at the AGM held at the clubhouse on Sunday 7th May 2023.

Kingfisher Table Tennis Club Rules

1.The Club’s year is to commence on the 1st May.

2. The Committee may expel from the club any member who should fail to pay in full their membership subscription within the 31 days of the joining or renewal date. Please be advised that failure to make payment within 14 days will result in the suspension of your membership. During this time, access to club facilities will not be permitted. A member may also be expelled from the club for loaning their key and/or fob to anyone, including another member. The only exception to this rule is in the case of a parent or guardian of a junior member, who may only use the key and fob when attending the club with the child in their care. (lost key or fob must be reported to the membership secretary, who will deactivate the fob and issue a new fob)

III. The Committee may expel from the Club, subject to any appeal, any member whose conduct is considered by it to be injurious to the character of the Club or to the interests of the members.  Before a member is expelled the Honorary General Secretary shall give seven days’ written notice to the member concerned to attend a meeting of the Committee, with a friend if desired, to be informed of the complaint against them and if they so choose, to appeal against that complaint.  No member whose membership has been terminated under this Rule, or whose membership ceased voluntarily but who owes money to the Club, shall be introduced by any other member as a Visitor to any part of the Club premises.  A member expelled shall forfeit all privileges of membership and all rights against the Club forthwith.

IV. The Annual General Meeting shall be called in May each year.

V.  A Special General Meeting of the membership of the Club may be convened at any time by a Committee decision or by request of a minimum of 50% of playing members.  The notice convening a Special General Meeting shall specify the business to be transacted and no other matter shall be considered.

VI. Paid-up members may introduce a maximum of two guest players as a one-time only taster session to sample the facilities of the club as prospective new members. There will be no fee, but such guests must be entered into the guest book and signed in by the member, who will be responsible for showing the guests where changing rooms/WCs and fire exits are and the format of practice (40-minute rule) Prospective new members who do not know a member who can introduce them to the club can apply for a taster session to any club officer (membership secretary is preferred) who will make suitable arrangements for the guest to be greeted and entered into the guest book, signed in and supervised during their visit. Prospective new members and guests must be accompanied by the member who has signed them in throughout the entirety of their visit. Any further visits to the club by such guests must be accompanied with a duly completed membership form and appropriate fee. Should all the tables in the playing hall be occupied and players are waiting to play, subject to current Club table time arrangements, then members shall take priority over guest players except by mutual agreement.

VII. Members are to be suitably attired for table tennis when playing at the Club or representing the Club elsewhere.

VIII. Club colours shall be basically blue or yellow or red or any other colour dictated through a contract to supply kit.

IX. The Committee shall determine where necessary the interpretation of any Rule, and any matter not covered by the Rules and their decision shall be final.

X. Any alteration to these Rules shall be made only at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.  Proposals for alterations must be made in writing and received by the Honorary General Secretary at least 21 days prior to the meeting.  Such alterations proposed will be carried by a simple majority of the membership of the Club present at the meeting who shall each be entitled to one vote.  A quorum shall be defined as 10% of the membership or 10 members whichever is the least.

These rules were amended and adopted at the AGM held at the clubhouse on Sunday 7th May 2023.